Automatically generate and optimize your AI. Manage your projects directly on our new generation platform

RAISE is a next-generation SaaS platform that allows automatically generate or optimize robust artificial intelligence models customized for each business need, with or without internal expertise.

AI for everyone

Based on the Deep Learning technology, the RAISE platform was designed to democratize the use of AI in all businesses.

RAISE is built on AI infrastructure and corporate data.

If your teams do not have one, DATAVALORIS supports you in setting up a new infrastructure thanks to its ecosystem of partners.


guaranteed data confidentiality

We put the security of your data at the heart of our concerns.

LCorporate data stays in their business environement and we can't identify use cases only based on the AI model. In addition, communication to the server is initiated by the custommer and never the other way around... only models and their results pass through.

Therefore, the use of the RAISE platform guarantees optimal confidentiality.

RAISE generates strong, resilient and evolving AI
résilientes et évolutives :

The native fitness score used to select the best models when competing (based by default on the error rate on the validation dataset) can be enriched by DataScientists by integrating, for example, the result of a confusion matrix or the feedback from the use of third-party model stress tools.

Consequently, the predictions of the models generated see their resilience increased and their brittleness diminished par la mise en compétition des modèles entre eux.X

our 2022 AutoML Benchmark

Discover the results of our ranking among the best AutoML tools on the market today.
Find out how the RAISE approach is a real game-changer in the design and optimization of neural network models.

Generate your ai automatically


RAISE automatically generates a deep learning model adapted to your data, without leaving your home and without knowing your use cases.

RAISE gives you a template in Keras format that you can use at see fit.

The AI generation process:

  1. Choose and install the connector

  2. Set the connector to use your dataset.

  3. Set the goal you wish to achieve

  4. Launch the model generation

  5. The model is automatically generated

  6. Get your standard model Keras Ready Format

Basic knowledge of Python is recommended

Optimize your AI automatically

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RAISE automatically optimizes the topology of your deeplearning models.

You set goals (either in terms of score and / or number of parameters) from your score calculation andRAISE reaches them as far as the data allows.

The AI generation process:

  1. Choose and install the right connector
  2. Set up your learning rules and your score.
  3. Set the goal you wish to achieve
  4. Launch the optimization of the neural network
  5. The neural network is automatically enhanced
  6. Récupérez le champion mutant prêt à être utilisé
Knowledge of Python language is essential


DATAVALORIS & IBM join forces to provide you with an exceptional offer: the RAISE POWER IBM PACK by DataValoris

Raise: applied deep-neuroevolution