Our offers
AI Packs

You are the company of the future!

From identifying your needs to going into production,
initiate an end-to-end AI project with DataValoris.

You want to :

  • Use your data to improve a business process
  • Differentiate yourself from the competition with an innovative project
  • Optimize repetitive tasks to improve your productivity

DATAVALORIS supports you in setting up an AI project from identifying the need to putting your AI into production.

our support packs

 DataValoris offers 3 versions of packs with support tailored to your needs. They are eligible for regional and national aid and subsidies.

aids and subsidies

AI Pack

3 000
€ HT
  1. You don't have specific ideas, but you have a lot of data? We help you identify your needs.

  2. We analyze your data, and process it. 

  3. We present you with solid solutions adapted to your needs.
aids and subsidies

AI Pack

18 500
€ HT
  1. You have a project but don't know if it is possible to implement it? This pack is made for you.

  2. We study its feasibility by processing your data. 

  3. We present to you a prototype project adapted to your activity. 
aids and subsidies

AI Pack

30 000
€ HT
  1. You have a project, we study its feasibility by processing your data.

  2. We present to you a prototype project adapted to your activity.

  3. We put your prototype into production, and manage the smooth running of the implementation of the project.

 Master your data, and integrate AI into your business 

DATAVALORIS supports you in setting up an AI project from identifying the need to putting your AI into production.

the process


aids and subsidies
(only for french entreprises)

The BPI offers a Artificial Intelligence Data Diagnostic (IA) supporting companies (SME and ETI) who wish to boost their growth and competitiveness with new opportunities for algorithmic data processing and artificial intelligence.

Eligible expenses relating to the service provided by the Data IA consultant (DataValoris) are 50% funded

An unprecedented consulting offer, in partnership with HUB France IA and TeraLab, to help you gain competitiveness thanks to AI from your company data. A team of experts mobilized according to your needs to support you in the implementation of your AI project.

50% of the project funded by the Ile-de-France Region

Our offers are made for you, go for them!

Receive a precise description in PDF format of the offer you are interested in by filling out the following form.

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    [group g2]Vous avez selectionné le Pack IA PROTO[/group]
    [group g3]Vous avez selectionné le Pack IA PROD[/group]

    Our offers are made for you, go for them!

      Which AI Pack interests you ? (required)
      Multiple selection possible with the Shift key